ROLES: executive producer (2018/2019) and photographer for 2018 edition of the project.
The #salvemnossosfigos (#saveourfigs) initiative represents an artistic intervention aimed at underscoring the urgent necessity to conserve Valinhos' rich cultural heritage, particularly given its status as Brazil's foremost fig producer. Furthermore, the project sought to infuse daily life with art.
In September 2018, as part of this distinctive initiative, 40 ceramic figs, all hand-painted by local artists, were strategically positioned throughout Valinhos' streets. These figs were not merely ornamental installations; they were gifts. Passersby who encountered these figs were encouraged to "save" them, effectively taking them home at no cost. Building on the success and excitement generated in its inaugural year, the project returned for its second edition in 2019, introducing another 30 exquisitely crafted ceramic figs into the streets of Valinhos for residents and visitors to discover and cherish.

They were successful, became famous and came back sold on Ocupe.Arte plataform. These are exclusive drawings made by artists from Valinhos, to symbolise the culture of our city. By acquiring the figs, people strengthened Ocupe.Arte and, at the same time, generated income for the artists and artisans who created the works. Besides, of course, they now have a beautiful fig painted by an amazing artist!